Cris Denny

Cris Denny

Cris Denny

Cris Denny's videos on Hotcast
Cris Denny have played in 1 gay videos on and 2 videos on our other websites
Would you rather jerk off or get laid?

Gay twink Craig Keller is masturbating in bed when his partner Cris Denny shows up: wouldn't he be better off with his hands free and a dick up his ass? Craig quickly makes up his mind: he loves cock and naturally throws himself at Cris's tasty one. It's a pleasant surprise: the twink thought he'd spend the day alone trying to make himself come, but in the end he's going to get filed down all afternoon.

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He likes it hard
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He likes it hard
Cute bearded guy needs some cum
He likes it hard
Cute bearded guy needs some cum
He likes it hard
Cute bearded guy needs some cum